Sass 文档
Sass 是 CSS 的一种预编译语言。它提供了 变量(variables)、嵌套规则(nested rules)、 混合(mixins)、 函数(functions) 等功能,并且完全兼容 CSS 语法。Sass 能够让复杂的样式表更有条理, 并且易于在项目内部或跨项目共享设计。
如果您正在寻找有关 Sass 的介绍,请查看 本教程。
如果您想查找内置的 Sass 函数,只需查看 内置模块手册 即可。
如果要在 JavaScript 中调用 Sass,可能需要 JS API 文档。
如果你是用 Dart 调用的话,请查看 Dart API 文档。
Older VersionsOlder Versions permalink
This documentation is written for the most recent version of the Sass language. If you’re using Dart Sass 1.69.4, you’ll have access to all the features described here. But if you’re using an older version of Dart Sass or a deprecated Sass implementation like LibSass or Ruby Sass, there may be some behavioral differences.
Anywhere behavior differs between versions or implementations, the documentation includes a compatibility indicator like this:
- Dart Sass
- ✓
- LibSass
- since 3.6.0
- Ruby Sass
- ✗
Implementations with a "✓" fully support the feature in question, and implementations with a "✗" don’t support it all. Implementations with a version number started supporting the feature in question at that version. Implementations can also be marked as "partial":
- Dart Sass
- ✓
- LibSass
- partial
- Ruby Sass
- ✗
Additional details go here.
This indicates that the implementation only supports some aspects of the feature. These compatibility indicators (and many others) have a "▶" button, which can be clicked to show more details about exactly how the implementations differ and which versions support which aspects of the feature in question.